Hello, Fellow Readers! Please join me in welcoming Anne Calhoun back to Read Our Lips! She brings to us a Q&A and her new book, Uncommon Pleasure set to release on March 5! She’s also hosting a giveaway for Uncommon Pleasure, so don’t miss out!
Q&A With Anne Calhoun
Q: Describe yourself in 140 characters or less.
A: Writer who holds citizenship in 3 countries on 2 continents, yet lives in a flyover state for love. Wife. Mother. Loves Frye boots, wool, and character more than wit.
Q: Your current release is UNCOMMON PLEASURE. Deets!
A: This book contains two hefty, closely-linked novellas where choices and decisions made in the first story play out in the second as well. The first features a former Marine who’s struggling with the mental and emotional devastation he experienced in Afghanistan, and the woman who refuses to let him live in darkness. The second story describes a Marine’s persistence to get back the woman he loves and mistakenly broke up with while he was deployed. If you like military stories, highly erotic circumstances, and women who refuse to get pushed around, this is the book for you!
Q: What three words best describe this book?
A: Erotic. Emotional. Intense.
Q: What are your greatest creative influences?
A: Music, although what I’m listening to may not play a role in the current WIP. I read a ton of nonfiction, sometimes for research, sometimes for curiosity. Travel.
Q: What three things do you need in order to write?
A: MacBook Air. Quiet (or the steady background noise of a coffee shop). A roadmap to what I need to write that day. If I take 5-15 minutes and block out the day’s scene or chapter – dialogue, blocking, that sort of thing – I’m much more productive.
Q: What is the last book that you read that knocked your socks off?
A: I’m reading tiny beautiful things by Cheryl Strayed, which is a collection of advice columns from The Rumpus Strayed authored anonymously as Sugar. Strayed’s advice is grounded in reality, gorgeously written, and nearly heart-breaking in its emotional honesty. Between the questions readers sent in and the answers Strayed gives, I have to stop reading and take a break. I also really loved Sister: A Novel by Rosamund Lupton. Alison Kent gave me the book for Christmas. It’s a murder mystery and an exploration of sisterhood and a psychological thriller all at once.
Q: If you had to pick one book that turned you on to reading,
which would it be?
A: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Q: What do you like to do when you aren't writing?
A: Read. Knit. Take yoga class. Walk the dog. I’ve got an eight-year-old boy so much of my non-writing time is occupied with homework, having friends over, activities he’s in. I also like to talk to (or at) my husband. ;)
Q: How can readers connect with you?
A: Annecalhoun.com has an email form. I’m on Twitter as @annecalhoun, and Facebook. I also have a fan group on Goodreads.
From a “fresh and imaginative” (The Romance Studio) voice in erotic romance come the tales of two women, each daring to challenge the boundaries of the toughest of men...But in these edgy, heated encounters, the greatest thing each woman will risk is her heart.
In “Over the Edge,” after a tragic incident during Ty Hendricks’ last tour of duty, he cut off all connection with anyone he cares about—until a night with Lauren Kincaid draws him reluctantly back into the world. Lauren sees a wounded man in danger of losing everything to his inner demons, but the sensual, no-holds-barred fight for Ty’s soul could cost Lauren her heart.
In “All on the Line,” Abby Simmons fell hard for Lieutenant Sean Winthrop, but he sacrificed their relationship when he deployed to Afghanistan. Now he’s home, full of regrets and intent on winning back the woman he never forgot. Abby gives Sean her body but holds her heart aloof, until one night of pleasure forces her to choose either her U.S. Marine...or life without him, forever.
Excerpt from Over The Edge (Ty and Lauren)
As the engine wound down the helicopter’s rotors lost speed, slowly thwapping at air saturated with late afternoon sunshine and humidity. Braced against the trunk of her car, Lauren Kincaid watched Ty Hendricks emerge from the helicopter. Acknowledging that he’d set off a purely physical response in her body wasn’t enough. She wanted to know why.
It could have been his hair, blond, too long, finger combed back from his face, or perhaps his eyes, dark chocolate, with spiky blond lashes. It could have been his square jaw, or the broad shoulders straining at the seams of a plain gray T-shirt as he spoke a few words to the chopper pilot, then hoisted his duffel over his shoulder and crossed the helipad.
But it wasn’t any of those things.
It was the way he walked, utter confidence in his long-legged, loose stride as he cleared the helipad and set off down the aisle between two rows of cars and trucks left by Gulf Independent Petroleum employees working offshore. He inhabited his body as if it existed only to accomplish what he set his mind to, nothing more. He didn’t dress it or accessorize it or sculpt it. He used it—hands, arms, hips, legs—and based on the torque he applied to a wrench the length of her arm to work loose a recalcitrant bolt, she had no doubt he could be unspeakably brutal if he chose.
His jeans were faded to pale sky blue and worn white at the seams from years of keeping him decent, nothing more. The T-shirt lacked ads for microbreweries or sports teams or Jesus, no funny slogans. He’d tucked it in, hooked his phone and Leatherman on a worn brown leather belt fastened with a dented silver buckle. She’d spent a lot of years in the company of men, from gruff, gravel-voiced career NCOs to PhDs who hadn’t seen daylight since Bush was president. She could tell a man’s man from a ladies’ man, knew within seconds when a guy puffed up like a rooster to hide insecurities and when an insecure front hid a sweetheart of a guy.
Ty Hendricks was no sweetheart. He’d been offshore for thirty days, and pent-up need simmered in his industrial-strength body. Lauren hadn’t felt a man’s body, hard and demanding and maybe even brutal, against hers in a very long time. Illicit desire, long-suppressed and therefore all the more potent and volatile, zinged through all the right places.
He crossed the lot, his worn brown laced-up engineer’s boots crunching gravel underfoot, and paused by the back of a crew-cab pickup to swing his duffel into the bed and head home. He had his key in the door lock before he paused, bent his head in something that looked suspiciously like resignation, then cut her a look with those melting eyes.
She’d spent four days on an oil rig with Ty. A development geologist for Gulf Independent, her two-day trip to log the hole the drilling crew just finished drilling coincided with the end of Ty’s thirty-day shift. Two bridges to clear before she could log the hole turned forty-eight hours offshore into ninety-six and gave them plenty of time together. She’d caught him watching her with those shadowed eyes often enough.
“Dead battery?” he said.
Her Lexus IS 250 had four thousand miles on it, and if the battery had died, the dealership was going to get an earful. “Nothing’s wrong with my car. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”
The T-shirt strained over his shoulders as he braced his elbows on the side of the truck’s bed and let his hands dangle. There was no glint of gold on his ring finger, but that didn’t mean much. Wearing any jewelry was dangerous on a rig.
His expression didn’t change. “Dinner.”
“Yes. Dinner,” she said with a small smile. “After four days of gray mystery meat and iceberg lettuce I’d kill for a decent salad.”
A breeze off the Gulf tossed his hair in his eyes, but he didn’t move. “You don’t want to have dinner with me.”
She lifted both hands to tuck a fluttering strand into the heavy knot at her nape, watched his gaze flick to her breasts, sparking a hot, tight clench low in her belly. “Actually, I do.”
He straightened, put on a pair of wraparound shades that hid his eyes. “No, you don’t.”
That wasn’t I’m in a relationship, or I’m seeing someone, or I have plans already, and his blunt statement raised her hackles. She’d grown up having the circumstances of her life—frequent moves in the middle of the school year, making friends only to leave them months later, the only place that felt like home her grandparents’ farms in Kansas—dictated by her father’s meteoric rise to general in the United States Army. Once she was in charge of her life, it was a point of pride to know what she wanted, why she wanted it, and then go after it.
“Fall’s coming,” she said, glancing up at the faded blue sky. “This is one of the last warm nights we’ll have for a while. I’m going to go home, shave my legs, and put on a dress, then I’m going to McGuigans. They have a bar on the patio and a Thai chicken salad I like. That’s where I’ll be around seven if you feel like eating something at the same time I’m going to eat something.” She was interested, not desperate, so she clicked open the locks on her Lexus and pushed away from the trunk. “Trust me, Ty. I know exactly what I want.”
Anne is giving away a book copy of Uncommon Pleasure. All you have to do to win is:
1) Follow us
2) Fill out the Rafflecopter
*Prize is NOT an e-book. Winner will have to provide a mailing address*
Good Luck! Contest ends March 18, 2013.

Yes! I love seeing a man in a police uniform or a military uniform. Love, love, love it!
ReplyDeletemestith at gmail dot com
I do think a man in uniform is an attractive picture.
ReplyDeleteA few uniforms just have a sexy pull for me.. Military, Firefighters and Baseball uniforms! Other uniforms are also amazing but those three are my top three choices for sure!
ReplyDeleteYes My husband is a fire fighter. I love seeing him in his uniform.
And the Winner is . . .
ReplyDeleteJeannie B.
Congratulations! Huge THANK YOUs to everyone who entered. Thanks for supporting our blog :)