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Friday, April 13, 2012

Poll Question

Hello, Fellow Readers!

Are you up for a Quickie . . .

Question? ;)

In order to determine what would make better prizes in our upcoming giveaways, we'd really like to know: when you read, what do you normally pick up? A book (paperback or hardback), or do you get on your e-reader?

Please fill out our poll and let us know!



  1. I voted book only bc I don't have a E-reader yet, although there is something kind of magical about the feel of a book in your hands, dog ear-ing the page, the smell of the paper. However, I do have my fingers crossed for a Kindle Fire for Mother's Day :)

    1. Hiya, Dawn! I felt the same way after I bought the iPad - it was too large and it didn't make for a comfortable read for me. I then switched over to reading PDF's on my laptop, but that was limiting, too. It wasn't until I bought the Kindle Fire during Christmas and got a standing cover for it, that I finally got comfortable read. I've been a reading machine since! LOL The Kindle Fire holds my place and I can even take notes on any book. It especially comes in handy when I run across a word I don't know, and I just click on it to find out what it means. Plus, I can read without anyone knowing what I'm reading - which I could never do with a real book *hides erotica* LOL Love it :) Let me know when you get one :)

  2. I find it´s easier reading on my tablet but i still buy paperbacks when it´s something i really want, and paper still smells better than plastic =D

  3. E-reader books for me. Mostly because whilst I love real books, due to costs and everything often when real books are being given away I'm not qualified to enter being from Australia.

  4. I love both, but the real thing is always better *wiggles eyesbrows* :P

  5. I love my books. I do have a kindle. but I have only put like 5 books on, I prefer to "hold" my book while reading it and get lost in the words

  6. Yes, totally agree that nothing compares to real books, but having a Kindle avoids the discussion of, "Mom, why are there naked people on the cover of this book? And what is BDSM?" LOL :)

  7. I love my books. The smell of them. The texture. I like to involve as many senses as possible in everything I do. But having said that I'm really broke and the only way I've been reading lately is on my laptop.

  8. I love real books. I have a kindle, but have not used it to read a book yet. My children have though. I guess I am old-fashioned and hate change. I have downloaded on it. I just seem to go to my real books rather than start one on the kindle. My choice was real books!!

  9. I love my kindle (voted ebook) I can have a library as big as a house and it only takes up a few inches, I can adjust the print to any size comfortable for me, and it is not too heavy or cumbersome to hold while reading :)

  10. That's another plus for me, too, Denise! I move around so much it's hard lugging around so many books. But in my Kindle I can have all the books I need and they don't clutter.

    Thanks, everyone for stopping by :)

  11. I got my first Kindle and let it sit because I didnt want to miss the physical feel of a book. After week I charged up the kindle and have not put it down in more than 2 years. Now I vote and the poll is 54% to the e-reader wow so many trees

  12. I love both, but do find myself reading more ebooks these days.

  13. I tend to do ebooks for new authors/series, but the big authors/series I tend to do audiobook for my long car rides. Most of what I listen to has some sort of paranormal in it. BVB, Fallen angel, Mighnight Breed, LKH, Patricia Briggs, etc.

  14. Hummm, well I love reading on my Kindle but if I have a print book then I can lend it soooo


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