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Friday, March 18, 2016

3.5 Kiss Review: The Assassin and the Pirate Lord (Throne of Glass 0.1) by Sarah J. Maas


A Throne of Glass novella.
On a remote island in a tropical sea, Celaena Sardothien, feared assassin, has come for retribution. She’s been sent by the Assassin’s Guild to collect on a debt they are owed by the Lord of the Pirates. But when Celaena learns that the agreed payment is not in money, but in slaves, her mission suddenly changes—and she will risk everything to right the wrong she’s been sent to bring about.

My Review:

I had been meaning to read Throne of Glass for a while, but just when I was about to get started, I realized there were various novellas dated before the start of the first novel.

Oftentimes, you have to read part 1 of the book for the novellas to make sense, so I wasn’t sure how things were going to play out. So, I took a chance and read the first novella before reading part 1.


I'm really intrigued by this series which grabbed me from the start. Cel is an assassin - one of the best. She hides behind a mask, guarding her beauty and youth since she's just 16 years old. As we begin the story, one of her best friends and fellow assassin - Ben is killed.

But she can't mourn for long as she’s sent on a mission by her master to a pirate Lord's island.

Little does Cel know that her master is dealing with the slave trade and he's sent her to fetch some slaves for him. But Cel has different thoughts and decides to free the slaves with her reluctant partner, Sam.

Sam's also an assassin and resents that Cel is second in command in their group. They truly don't see eye to eye until they decide to go against their master and free the slaves. But can they pull it off? Or is their good deed guaranteeing their demise at the crafty pirate Lord's hand?

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord features:

  • Young Adult
  • Suspense
  • No sexual content
  • Intrigue

Rating 3.5 Kisses


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