The Winner of the Bad Boys of Football Series by Bella Andre is….
Linda! The books will be in your inbox tonight!
In other news, I am doing the Goodreads-Kindle Smut – February, Love Is In the Air Challenge. All that is required is is to read 5 books or 1200 pages of schmaltzy, fluffy, Happily Ever After Romances in the month of February. It is the month of Love. Here’s what you’ll be seeing reviewing this month:
( Click on a book to go to Amazon)

And As Alternates (In case I can’t make 1200pages), I chose:

Delicate Freakn’ Flower is free on Goodreads, Click on the cover to take you there.
and finally
If you’re not a member of Goodreads, it’s a great way to find new books and keep track of what you read, not to mention make like-minded friends!
Gotta get to reading now! Talk to you soon!
Congrats linda!!!