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Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy 4th Blogoversary!

Hello, Fellow Readers!

It’s almost time for our Blogoversary. Can you believe it’s been 4 years since we started Read Our Lips! Book Review Blog? It just feels like yesterday!

In honor of our four years, we’re doing a special giveaway to say Thank You for being with us and for supporting our blog.

We’re giving away a $40 gift card from Amazon and your pick of your top 4 books ever reviewed from our site in your choice of either paperback, hardback, or e-book!

All you have to do to win is:

1) Follow us
2) Fill out the Giveaway Tool (a comment is required to enter)

Good luck! Contest ends 12/01/2015.



  1. Happy Blogiversary!!
    I like reading the reviews. I find some great book recs from reading them

  2. Happy Blogoversary! I just love your blog - it has some great reviews and I love all the book giveaways. Thanks for the chance to win. Wish you lots more years to come. Congrats

    Natalie E.

  3. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Blogoversary!!!! I love reading your reviews because it helps me decide what books I would like to read. :)

  4. Happy Blogversary! I love the book reviews and the giveaways :)

  5. I like that I can find books from new authors either in my usual genre or new ones to me.


  6. Cover Lust, and the fantastic reviews! Thanks for the giveaway!~

  7. Happy 4 years!! =) I hope for more years of yummy reads in the future!

  8. I have found many books to read ...and have...through ROL! blog.

  9. Happy Blogoversary! Reviews - I find all my favorite books through book bloggers. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Ann S

  10. And the winner is...
    Natalie E.!
    Congratulations! Huge THANK YOUs to everyone who entered. Thank you so much for supporting our blog. :)


We would love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.