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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Review & Giveaway–Whiskey Sour Noir by Mickey J. Corrigan


Love is like a whiskey sour: you've got to watch out or it sneaks up on you.
Tami Lee Conkers is a spunky Florida chick who works at a homeless shelter. Cat Avery is handsome, well-educated, articulate, funny and dark. He lives in a bum motel and bartends right down the street from Tami Lee. She falls for him—even though she knows better. The man is a registered sex offender.
Avery claims he's innocent. Tami Lee is following her heart, but she's afraid she knows where that will take her. The love they make feels doomed. All around them, life is going from bad to worse. Especially since the Gulf Stream has stopped moving for the first time in thousands of years.
An end of the world romance, Whiskey Sour Noir is an engaging story of two unlikely lovers battling tough odds.
Love can be so bittersweet.

My Review:

Tami Lee Conkers works at the local Drop In Center (DIC). She regards herself as trailer trash, yet she has a honest heart and a fiery passion. When she meets Cat Avery, she's instantly filled with lust and something more she can't explain.

Cat Avery is labeled as sex offender (SO) for a crime he didn't commit, even though he has his suspicions as to who set him up.

Cat and Tami have an undeniable chemistry from the start. Will the true culprit be found? Can Cat clear his name? Will Tami admit her feelings? Your answers await you in Whiskey Sour Noir.


Whiskey Sour Noir is a fast paced quick read that doesn't pull any punches. The characters are gritty, inventive, and creative in real life situations. Tami's self esteem is on questionable grounds. Cat's faith in people is very shaky, yet as a couple they work well.

I will definitely keep this author in mind for future books.

Whiskey Sour Noir features:

  • erotic themes
  • oral sex
  • contemporary romance
  • mystery
  • quick read

Rating: 4 Kisses

Enter to win a free copy of Whiskey Sour Noir by Mickey J. Corrigan. All you have to do to win is:

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2) Fill out the Rafflecopter

Good luck! Contest ends May 22, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*book was provided to ROL! for review by author*

1 comment :

  1. And the winner is ...

    Congratulations! Huge THANK YOUs to everyone who entered. Thank you for supporting our blog. :)


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