Conservator Maia Douglas is an expert on ancient Greece and its mythology. She would never tell anyone at the museum where she works, but she's always had a secret crush on the mythical Eryx, Greek god of love. There is nothing she loves more than to tend to her favorite statue of him, and her nighttime dreams are filled with luscious images of Eryx making love to her.
One day, the peace at Maia's beloved museum is shattered when a new director arrives. A man who looks exactly like her image of Eryx. As Maia watches, he manages to upset her ordered museum world, at the same time he inflames her with unwanted desire.
Maia does not know that her new boss is actually the god Eryx, disguised as a mortal so he may work in antiquities. Although he is the god of love, he has forsaken his sexual nature because of a curse that has killed any woman he's dared to love. Though he fights it, Eryx is drawn to Maia with a force he's never experienced in a thousand years. But can he convince her of his true identity? And can he protect her from a vengeful goddess who seeks her destruction?
My Review:
Conservator Maia Douglas works at the Toronto Museum and she’s an expert on Ancient Greece and its mythology. Maia's secret wish is to be loved by God of Love, Eryx.
Little does Maia know she's about to get her wish. Eryx, posing as Eric Lord, known for shake ups in the museum world, has plans for The Toronto Museum. There is just one little hiccup in his plans: Maia.
Eryx never expected to feel what he does for Maia after just one kiss. Eryk knows that he shouldn't care for Maia as he does because Nemesis will strike. Dionysus tells Eryx to move on, yet can see that he's haunted by the past and full of guilt to boot.
Nemesis bides her time waiting for Eryx to see the error of his ways. Will Maia's life be the same? Will Eryx's life be the same? Will Nemesis strike? Will Eryx fight for what he wants? Your answers await you in For the Love of a God.
I have to say that I love books about mythology because they fascinate me like no other kind of book can. In For the Love of a God, Ms. Leo has created a cleverly rich story full of tragedy, angst, love, and most of all hope.
Maia's beauty is more than skin deep; she’s also a rich, bright character. Eryx is our tragic hero and alpha male scarred by his past and guilt. Ms. Leo's writing style is bold and crisp and her chapters are definite continuous page turners. I will continue reading this fascinating series along with the rest of Ms. Leo's works.
For the Love of a God features:
- alpha male
- paranormal romance
- sexual content
- mythology
Rating: 5 Kisses

*book was provided for review*
I'm not a fan of the cover, but I do love the blurb. Great review! that lil twilight mention is another cool factor too :)